From Roaming River:

I've always loved music. Music helped give me the words when I couldn't find them. Music has connected me to some of my most favorite people in the world. From my mother, who used to play guitar and sing to me, to one of my best friends, who taught me ins and outs behind the scenes. Music really does help save lives in my opinion. My greatest goal in life is to help others in some way; to help make the world not just more tolerable but better. While I love all types of art forms,. music is one of my favorite mediums. That's why I wanted to become a musician. If I can just make one person feel less alone, the whole journey is worth it. 

 We all have our own stories and forms of self-expression. Music can be healing, revolutionary and just plain fun. What an honor it is to be able to use such a powerful tool in a positive way. I've made so many core memories that have their own soundtrack. I want to give that to anyone who wants it.